These marines celebrating their graduation by making a foot trick
So proud of you guys!
Kenny Fernandez

Discipline. Efficiency. Honor. Loyalty. Respect.

And many other words. One mention of the US Marines and all heads snap to attention. Young and old alike, everyone is fascinated by these awesome men and women in uniform. They are trained, and in their own words, to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

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In any obstacle, any situation, even the most unwanted ones, these soldiers will engage the enemy and finish the mission assigned to them. You don’t want to be on the receiving end of these guys. Cool stuff.

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Land, sea, and air.

The Marines are deployed anywhere, anytime which means that they need to drill in to their senses that discipline to always be ready. To always be flexible with that fighting spirit they are so known for. Hence the improvise part.

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That means boot camp!

Recruits spend weeks in boot camp learning the ropes so to speak. They undergo physical training, which for sure many of them easily pass. The difficult part is the mental aspect of it. This is where they separate the men from the boys. The willingness to make it is really where a true soldier shines. Think Steve Rogers (Captain America).

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Yes, sir!

Drills help instill that sense of moving as one unit. Recruits spend a lot of time under a drill instructor’s calls, responding and moving to each command until finally, they perform like a well oiled machine. But they can have fun while at it too!

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The Marines in this video are soon to graduate. But before they do, these guys need to perform the “Monkey drill”.

There is no practice for this one. Everything is improvised. Filmed at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, South Carolina, this platoon is more than ready for the real stuff.

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Marines have exceptional memory skills.

They march in rows of four, already an intimidating sight for those who haven’t been acquainted with the unit. The drill instructor shouts a random call to which they all execute the command as a single unit.

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Marching to the end of the field, they abruptly spin on their hills and march back to where they came from. And then all of a sudden, the drill instructor gives a command and the four rows break up and split in different directions. One to the left, the others to the right, the ones in the middle suddenly opposing in directions.

Left, right, left!

If you’re counting the steps, it’s eight. Eight to march away before they pivot and go back to the original formation, before once again doing the same drill. It’s almost hypnotic to watch. Imagine them in full gear while carrying a rifle.

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No distractions allowed.

They continue marching even as another platoon comes running out of the building. The Marines execute an alternating sequence of pivots per row as each command is made clear to them. Commands are at a moment’s notice because that is what’s going to happen wherever these guys are stationed.

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The peace you have at home. The peace that allows people to go to work and come home to their families, to meet their friends and enjoy their hobbies, these are all possible because of these dedicated soldiers who sacrifice and risk their own lives for their country. Semper Fi!

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See the Marines’ improvised drill in the video below!

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